Ranger, Winter 1951:

Jan. 27, due east; Jan. 28, southeast over Las Vegas and Nellis

AF Base; Feb. 1, southeast over Las Vegas; Feb. 2, southeast over
open area north of Nellis AFB, but with part of cloud over Las Vegas

and Nellis; Feb. 6, slightly west of due south, over Charleston Peak

to Los Angeles,


Buster-Jangle, Autumn 1951:


Oct. 22, south-southwest; Oct, 28, southeast, slightly north of
Las Vegas; Oct. 30, southwest into Death Valley; Nov. 1, southeast,
Las Vegas and Henderson; Nov. 5, south to southeast, over Mt. Charleston and Las Vegas; Nov. 19, north-northeast, Lincoln Mine, Currant,
Eureka, Currie; Nov. 29, north-northeast, almost same route.
Tumbler-Snapper, Spring 1952:
April 1, east; April 15, main cloud southeast; low cloud south;
April 22, southeast, Las Vegas; May 1, due east; May 7, slightly
north of due east; May 25, north of due east; June 1, due north in
area between Warm Springs and Currant; June 5, east or due north
(on this shot the pre-shot projection was for center line of fallout

to be some miles east of Tonopah).
Upshot—Knothole, Spring 1953:

March 17, east; March 24, northeast; March 31, southeast Indian

Springs and Las Vegas; April 6, southeast, Las Vegas; April ll, south;
April 18, Southeast, including Glendale and Las Vegas; April 25, east
to St. George; May 8, south of east; May 19, due east; May 25, northeast; June 4, southeast, Nellis AFB and Las Vegas.

Teapot, Spring 1955:
Feb. 18, southeast, open land between Glendale and Las Vegas;
Feb, 22, southeast, same as above; March 1, north of due east;

March 7, east for main, higher cloud; and west, northwest for lower
cloud, (very, very light fallout on Tonopah); March 12, east;

March 22, southeast, Las Vegas; March 23, southeast, Las Vegas;

March 29, north of east; April 6, south-southeast; April 9, south,
southeast; April 9, south and west of south; April.15, east and
Slightly northeast; May 5, north; May 15, northeast by east.

The above detailed list may be sunmarized to show the following

general directions:

Southeast, 17 shots, 12 of which resulted in the main cloud or

major edges of clouds passing above Indian Springs AF Base, Las Vegas,
Henderson, and Boulder.
East, 133 shots.

(The cloud from the March 7, 1955 shot moved in two

* ta: Northeast, 5 shots,

directions and each is given a value of one-half.)


i... North, 3 shots,





Select target paragraph3