None of the shots in the summer 1957 series is expected to produce
as much fallout on nearby regions as did some of the shots in the 1955
Teapot series, The total fallout on the region around the test site from
all detonations in the 1957 series is expected to be less than that for

any Nevada test series since 1952,


.. in addition to the full-scale tests, four or more safety experiments
are being conducted. The first of these was held April 24 and the second,
July 1, These experiments are not tests of stock-piled weapons, but are
experiments iniended to determine which among several designs afford the

maximum assurance of safety and handling and storage of operational weapons,
It is possible that the experiments may involve some nuclear reaction, as
a part of the effort to learn how to avoid them should an accident occur,
Several of these experiments will be detonated in underground shafts.

1957 Shots
The first shot of the 1957 series (Boltzmann) was fired at 4:55 a.m.

May 28, after being ready since May 16. Unacceptable weather resulted in
12 one-day postponements. Boltzmann had a planned yield in the range of
one-half nominal.
Franklin, the second shot - well below nominal in yield — was fired
from a 300-foot tower at 4:55.a.m. on June 2, Franklin was ready on May 29,
and was postponed four times because of unfavorable winds.
The first detonation of a balloon shot (Lassen) occured on June 5,
after a one-day postponement for technical reasons, Lassen was a well
below nominal shot from a 5CO0-foot high ‘balloon.

The fourth shot (Wilson) was fired at 4:45 a.m. June 18, from a

500-foot high balloon after three days of postponement for technical

reasons. The predicted range of yield was from-well below nominal to
about half nominal.
The fifth shot (Priscilla) was fired at.6:30 a.m. June 24, froma
700-foot balloon after one 24-hour postponement. The predicted range of
yield was above nominal.
A non-detonation resulted when an attempt was made to fire the
sixth shot (Diablo) on June 28, The device was not detonated because
the power sourceto the tower cab was accidentally disconnected at the
tower base during removal of the elevator and elevator transformer,
It was the third time a device had failed to detonate in Nevada. The
first was on October 19, 1951, when a mechanical fault in a key electrical test circuit between the Control Point and the tower caused a
non-detonation, The device was fired three days later. The second
was on May 20, 1952, when a shot was prevented from detonating by a
built-in checking device because a key experiment was not receiving
data. It was fired five days later.

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Select target paragraph3