development, testing, production and storage of atomic weapons.
K, F. Hertford is Manager of Albuquerque Operations, and main-

tains his headquarters in the Albuquerque Operations Office

(ALOO) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In addition to the ALOO headquarters, Albuquerque Operations

has eight area offices and three branch offices supervising the
operation by contractors of a complex of laboratories, test sites,
and industrial facilities reaching Yrom the Atlantic seaboard to
Eniwetok Atoll in the far Pacific.
The test sites administered by Albuquerque Operations include

the Eniwetok Proving Ground in the Marshall Islands and the Nevada
Test Site.

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) was established at
Los Alamos, New Mexico, early in 1943 for the specific purpose of

developing an atomic bomb. Los Alamos scientists supervised the
_ test detonation in July, 1945, at the Trinity site in New Mexico
of the world's first nuclear weapon.

The Laboratory's current

weapons assignment essentially is to conceive, test and develop

the nuclear components of atomic weapons.

Its Director is Dr.

Norris L. Bradbury... tt is operated by the University of

University of California Radiation Laboratory (Livermore branch)
was established as a second AEC weapons laboratory at Livermore,
California, in 1952. The Livermore laboratory's responsibilities
are essentially parallel to those of the Los Alamos laboratory.
Livermore weapon designs first were tested in Nevada in 1953, and
they have been tested in each continental and Pacific series since.

The contract under which the University of California Radiation

Laboratory performs work for the AEC is administered by the Commission's San Francisco Operations Office. Director of the Livermore
facility of the UCRL is Dr. Herbert L. York.
Sandia Laboratory at Albuquerque, New Mexico, is the AEC's
other weapons laboratory. It was established in 1946 as a branch
of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, but in 1949 it assumed its
present identity as a. full-fledged weapons research institution,
and since then has been operated by the Sandia Corporation, a nonprofit subsidiary of Western Electric.
Sandia Laboratory's role is
to conceive, design, test and develop the non-nuclear phases of

atomic weapons, and to do other work in related fields.

In 1956 a

Livermore -Branch of the Laboratory was established to provide closer
support to developmental work of the UCRL Livermore facility. Sandia
Corporation also operates ballistic test facilities for the AEC at
Salton Sea Test Base, California, and at the Tonopah Ballistics
Range near Tonopah, Nevada. President of the Sandia Corporation is
James W. McRae.

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