

All tests in Nevada are conducted by the Nevada Test Organization, which is made up of representatives of the Atomic Energy
Commission, the Department of Defense, the Federal Civil Defense
Administration, other government agencies, government contractors,

research and educational institutions, and private industrial firms.

(See charts at the back of this booklet.)

An AEC Test Manager has had over-all field management of each

series conducted in Nevada. His task is to plan operations, to
coordinate the activities of all the units within the Test Organization, to exercise operational control at the Test Site, and to prepare and execute-operations as scheduled. His is the final decision
as to whether operational conditions will permit a shot to be fired,
or whether a postponement is required.
Since the fall of 1951, a Deputy for Military Matters has served
under the Test Manager. He represents the Commander, Field Command,
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, and provides staff assistance
to the Test Manager on matters involving Department of Defense participation and support. He also performs liaison between AEC and DOD

agencies on policy and operational matters, and is responsible for

military administrative matters such as management of military
property and funds.

Prior to 1957, the Test Director for each series had been a

representative of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. For the
Summer 1957 series, a staff member of the University of California
Radiation Laboratory at Livermore was appointed to the position,
reflecting the growing participation by the Livermore laboratory in
test cperations.
The Test Director is responsible for over-all coordination and scientific support for the ertire scientific test
program; for planning, coordinating and conducting the tests of
experimental weapons and devices; and for positioning, arming and
detonating the test devices.
Other cfficials cf the Test Organization are responsible for
various functions such as logistic2l support, weather prediction,
fallout prediction, blast prediction, air support, public information, radiation safety operations, safety and fire protection, and
so on.

An organization chart is included toward the back of this


The background cf major participating organizations is given
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Albuquerque Operations is a
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission field organization for the research,

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Select target paragraph3