






the exclusive right to use and ocoupy the land above described for an

indefinite period of time to continue se long as the United States of
America has a use for said land and in addition will save the United
States of America harmless from any and all claims, demands, suits, and
actions of whatsoever kind or nature arising directly or indirectly from
such use or occupancy; provided, the same do not arise from any alleged

act of negligence by the United States of America, its agents, servants,
or employees,

Conditions of Use.

Trusteeship Agreement.


Use To Be Consistent With

The use to which the land is put by the United

States of America shall be consistent with the provisions and purposes
of the Trusteeship Agreement relating to the Administration of the Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands,


Review of Need for Land Every Five Years.

On or about

June 50, 1961, and on a similar date each five-year period thereafter,
the agency of the United States of America having the use and occupancy of
said land or the Department of the Navy as the representative thereof and
Grantor shall jointly review and determine the need for continuing the use
and occupancy granted, sold, conveyed, and assigned hereby.

(C) Review by the President.

In the event the review pro-

vided for in paragraph (B) does not result in agreement as to the need

for continuing use and occupancy by the United States of America, the
matter shall be presented to the President of the United States for final


Termination of Use and Occupancy.

In the event of a

decision pursuant to paragraphs (B) or (C) that a need for the continued
use and occupancy of said land does not exist, the use granted, sold, conveyed,
and assigned hereby shall terminate thirty days from the date of such decision
and all interest in said land shall revert to the Grantor,

During said thirty-

day period, the United States of America may, if it elects, remove any structures
or improvements it has heretofore erected or may hereafter erect on the land;

and if the structures or improvements cannot be removed during said thirty-day
period, the United States of America shall be permitted such additional reasonable time as may be required,

Select target paragraph3