Part Hl
The number of weapons produced during the April-June quarter was slightly less than the
revised forecast set forth in the January-March report. Some of the major difficulties and
attendant delays encountered in starting up production of the numerous new types of weapons
during the second half of the fiscal year were resolyed. Vigorous efforts are being directed

toward resolving the remaining difficulties and toward the achievement of the record produc-

tion rates that are necessary in meet stockpile requirements at the endoffiscal

year 1959. Notwithstanding the delays encountered, it 1s expected that the previously reported
forecast of the number of nuclear weapons to be in stockpile by June 30, 1959, will be essentially met.
The number of nuclear weapons in stockpile was 34 percent greater on June 30, 1958,
than on June 30, 1957.
Initial units of the following new weapons were produced during the quarter:
Mk-39 Mod. 1

Class C thermonuclear warhead for the Redstone missile.


Fission warhead for atomic depth bomb Lulu, laydown bomb
Hotpoint/A, and submarine-launched torpedo ASTOR.

Mk~36 Y2-Mod. 1

Reduced fission version of the Class B thermonuclear bomb.

(warhead) Y2

The N&-36 Yo -Mod.

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Previously reported weapon development programs and feasibility studies continued.
A new development program, TX-43-X1, was established to provide the TX-43 laydown
weapon with an airburst option.
The feasibility study of a high-yield warhead for the Air Force Bomarc missile was
completed, and a development program was established to achieve application of the XW'-47
warhead to this missile.


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