The question of the development and testing of nuclear weapons
can be divided into two components: first - disarmament, and


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second - fears of radioactive fallout.


With respect to disarmament, the Administration of President,

Eisenhower has certainly made, and continues to make, the most

vigorous efforts to bring about international agreement on a

system of disarmament which would eliminate or reduce the
production and testing of nuclear weapons. Until such an
agreement is obtained, with guarantees which protect the American
people and the peoples of the free world, we have no prudent
course except to continue the development and testing of the
most modern weapons of defense,
With respect to radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions, the
most authoritative information available on this subject is to be

found in the recent study conducted by the Academy-os—_*OF

l y

Sciences. This study was independent of the Government and
was generally confirmed by a separate study made by the British +:
Medical Research Council and reported to Parliament. Both
studies concluded that the unavoidable exposure to cosmic rays,
normal] radioactivity in the soil and medical use of x-rays very
greatly exceeded the exposure that results from the tests of
weapons, even assuming such tests are continued into the future
at the present rate.

We regret the injection into a political campaign of statements

and conclusions which extend beyond the limits of existing
scientific evidence, Such scientific matters of vital importance

can only be evaluated by calm deliberations,
Dr. Roger Adams _o*
Head of Chemistry Department
University of Dlinois

Dr, Carroll Hochwalt




Dr. Warren C, Johnson *


Director of Physical Sciences

Dr. JohnBugher__._"

Director of Medical Education
and Public Health of the


University of Chicago


Rockefeller Foundatinn


Dr. JesseW. Beams ___..

Bell Laboratories

University of Virginia

Dr, Eger V. Murphree

Dr. G. Failla


Esso Research & Engineering Co.


Dr, C. P. Rhoads __. as
' Director of Memorial Hospital


DirectorofRadidicpical Research

Laboratory of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons

President, Case Institute

and the Sloan-Kettering Institute

Dr. J, C. Warner

Carnegie Institute of Technology

Columbia University
Dr. T. Keith Glennan



Be ee ee> ee ee

Dean of Engineering
Columbia University


Professor of Physics

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