Congress of Section 55 should be deferred at this time in
order not to jeopardize Congressional action on the remaining

amendments, he would speak to the President about this matter,

Mr. Vance said he agreed with Senator Pastore's position
that all the amendments should be considered together and said

there should be joint agreement of the AEC and DOD on the proposed
amendments, Mr, Strauss expressed agreement with Mr. Vance's
statement but after discussion of this matter, the Commissioners

indicated they had no objection to the Chairman's proposal to discues
with the President the deferral of Section 55 from the proposed
legislation in order to permit further AEC and DOD discussion of an
amendment to this section.

Plans for Committee for Non-Violent Action Regarding
Pacific Tests

Mr. Strauss commented on recent reports regarding plans
of Mr, Lawrence Scott and the Committee for Non-Violent Action

with respect to forthcoming testa in the Pacific.

W. B. McCool


Approved by the Commission: Meeting 1385, June 25, 1958



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