
appropriations for the proposed civilian power program and

suggested that these figures be reviewed and revised, if

necessary, on the basis of the discussion at the meeting.

The Commissioners then agreed to resume consideration of

AEC 939/27 later in the meeting.

At this point, all members of the staff except Mesers.
McCool, Diamond, and Ammons left the meeting.

HARDTACK Observer Plan

Mr. Strauss reported on a letter being prepared by the
Deputy Secretary of Defense to the AEC regarding space allotmente for AEC and DOD observers at HARDTACK, Mr, Strauss
said he had requested General Starbird to discuss with the
appropriate DOD representatives these proposed allotments.
(See AEC 952/30, subsequently circulated.)


Mr, Floberg commented on a recent press announcement on
the proposed plans for HARDTACK and questioned why the shot

to be open to U.N, observers had not been referred to in the release.

Mr, Strauss explained that the details regarding the observers

at the open shot had not been resolved and that this shot had been

deleted from the test. He added that he had discussed this matter
with the President and that he had agreed to the deletion of the shot.
Mr, Strauss added that in a recent discussion with Mr. Morse
Salisbury, Dr. Mark Mills had expressed his opinion that the open
shot could be conducted without compromising classified information,
Mr. Strauss said he had requested General Starbird to discuss this
matter with Dr, Mills.

AEC 939/27 = Draft Memorandum for Discussion with the
Director, Bureau of the Budget (continued)


Cum noIO

The Commissioners resumed consideration of AEC 939/27,



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