


4, Lastly some of the methods of measuring weapon effects
are shown in somewhat greater detail than has heretofore been


However, Los Alamos has advised that there would be

no objection to the release of this information.

In fact much



it does instrumentation and unclassified techniques which are _



information of this type is already declassifiable involving as

used for other purposes,
5. The teletype setting forth the position of the Los
Alamos Laboratory with respect to the film discussed above is

attached as Appendix "D" to this paper,

It is to be noted that

the references in the teletype to the Curtiss and the "Bhangmeters"
are now irrelevant since those sequences have been deleted

from the film.


6. The Division of Information Services calls attention
to difficulties in relations with public media which it believes
are likely to follow continued withholding of the filmfrom
public exhibition after it has been declassified as
recommended by this paper,


On some past occasions for various

reasons it has been decided not to make public release of in-

formation determined to contain no Restricted Data. However,
in no such instance has the declassified information been given,

as is intended in this case, by communication to a group of
public leaders under an Official Use Only marking.

7- Communication of declassified material on H-weapons
to a fairly numerous group of public leaders such as Mayors
would almost certainly assure that the most impressive facts
given the group would soon become public through speeches and
press, radio and television interviews after these officials
return to their home cities; and that the source of the facts
would become public.




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