c, Somewhat greater details on the methods of measuring
All data on weapons manufacture and all information concerning
currently deliverable weapons (1.e. the King test) has been de-

It is believed that the declassification of the film will



not adversely affect the common defense and security.



3. After declassification, the film will be marked "Official
Use Only" for the occasion of the showing to the Conference of


The Division of Information Services points out that

the Government's reputation with the media of mass communications
and the public for not withholding unclassified material from
publication is likely to be impaired bycontinuing the "Official

Use Only" marking on the film for any appreciable time after the
Showing to the Mayors.

This Division therefore feels that there

should be provision for dropping of the "Official Use Only"
marking after the showing to the Mayors.
when an all-media release can be made,

This should be done
Such release should

occur at the earliest possible time agreeable to the National
Security Council, the FCDA, the DOD and the AEC.
4. The recommendation of this paper has the concurrence
of the Divisions of Military Application, Information Services
and the Office of the General Counsel,

5. That the Atomic Energy Commission:
a. Determine that the information disclosed in the
deleted version of the documentary film "Operation Ivy",
which was screened at Commission Meeting 939 on November 12,
may be published withcut adversely affecting the common
deferse and security;
b. Note that no information remains in the film which
would give any indication as to the nature of the thermo-

nuclear reaction,

or to the manner in which it is brought


Select target paragraph3