
‘The group discussed time frames and future meetings.

It was

agreed that 90 days appeared to be a reasonable target for obtaining
data for the characterization.

Data only for certification could

be obtained during cleanup of Runit.

The group would plan to meet

agein, <% the call of the Chairman, after the characterization data
is available.



The chair [ersseedthat the question of "plowing" to further

homegonize Runit soil, thus reducing the “hot spot" concentrations.
Mr. Yoder stated that cleanup experience so far indicates that we

have had to go back repeatedly to cleanup to new, lower levels.
Plowing will simply make such future cleanup more difficult and
he strongly recommends against plowing. Further discussion indicated

that weeicte plowing generally tends to lower average concentrations,
and if the primary problem is air \resuspension, plowing may help.
Bowever, in the specific case of Runit plowing might result in
increasing surface levels by bringing subsurface contamination to
the surface.

This condition would be worse than doing nothing.

It was generally agreed that plowing should not be used to meet

cleans criteria, Zfter cleanup plowing may be considered to further
reduce concentration in "hot" areas.

However, if plowing is used,

for any reason, it must be fully justified and defensible.


should in all cases be kept shallow, on the order of six inches.


Select target paragraph3