


September 27, 1976

Mr. Tommy McCraw
Division of Safety, Standards and Comp] iance
U.S. ERDA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20545

Dear Tommy:
Enclosed is a draft copy of our paper evaluating the Pu
concentrations observed in urine samples from Bikini and New York.

We plan to publish the report as a UCRL and would appreciate any
comments you may have,
I am also sending information copies to

Bob Watters and Bill Forster of DBER and Nat Barr of DTO.

It is interesting that the relative difference in observed
Pu concentrations at Bikini and New York can be accounted for by the

difference in intake of Pu via the various pathways.

However, a very’ significant point is the inability to ac-~count for, the absolute magnitude of the Pu urine concentrations ob-


We feel the Bikini data indicate that perhaps for humans,

and for Pu incorporated in food products, that the transfer across
the gut wall may be considerably greater than that predicted from
animal studies. We feel this is a very significant point and we

hope that support for follow-up research, for which we have several
proposals, would be supported by ERDA.
We would greatly appreciate any comments you have in the

‘analysis presented in the paper and also on the potential for pur-


. suing the metabolism of Pu ingested in food products by human




WilliamL. Robison


MD0,0: Likelmgre, California 94550 (1 Telephone [415] 447-1100 U) Twx 910-386-8339 CNOA LLL LV

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