
AEC 952/31 - U.N. Observer Progtam for HARDTACK

Myr, Strauss commented briefly on AEC 952/31 which outlined
considerations involved in the question of conducting a U,N. observer
program for HARDTACK. He said he had informally discussed this
question with the Secretary of Defense and that he would also attempt

to obtain funds for such a program from the President's emergency
Mr. Libby commented briefly on the need for appropriate

arrangements for this program to insure that the observers would be
properly briefed and obtain the necessary information to make the shot

The Commissioners discussed Mr, Libby's proposal and requested that they be informed of the procedural details of this program,
After discussion the Commission:

Approved conducting a U.N, Observer Program during
Operation HARDTACK to demonstrate U.S. clean weapons
capability. (See AEC 952/31)
Requested that the detailed program be submitted later for
their consideration,

AEC 972/2 ~ Establishment of Historical Advisory Committee

(See minutes of Meeting 1299)

Under consideration was AEC 972/2 - Establishment of

Historical Advisory Committee, which contained a recommendation that
the Commission approve the establishment of a Historical Advisory
Committee under Section I6la of the Atomic Energy Act, The Commis-«
sion was also requested to grant an exemption to Section 7.4 of the
Advisory Board Regulations, which requires that the Chairman of the
committee be a full-time government employee,
Mr. McCool explained that thie staff paper had been prepared
in response to the Commission's request at Meeting 1299 on August 7,
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