supervised the work in his field of spectalization and sum-

marized the results for inclusion in this group report.
Dorothy South was responsible for doing the chemical analyses
on selected Specimens of sand,

soil and biological samples.

The work on absorption and decay curves was handled by Paul

Areas Sampled

The locations of the collecting stations are shown in
Figure 1.

There were 7 major stations, 6 of which were

approximately the same as those visited in 1948 ana 1949
and the 7th, Bogombogo-Bogallua, was 2 to 3 miles west of the
Mike test shot island.

The same areas from which collections

were made before the test were revisited after the test where
circumstances allowed.

Collections of fish,


and algae were generally made on the lagoon side from the
intertidal zone down to a depth of about 12 feet.


the sampling area was extended to the ocean side of the col-

lecting station, especially if there was a scarcity of specimens
on the lagoon side.

Terrestrial plants and animals were

gathered from the islands and, while the reef and island
collections were being made, plankton towing, dredging and
water sampling operations were being carried on in contiguous

These operations on occasion extended 2 or 3 miles

from the area of reef collections.



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