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-~an accident wherein surfaces are contaminated with hot

particles, it is necessary to have a standard to apply to


Gecontamination measures.

The number of particles that can be resuspended from
surfaces has been the subject of a number of experiments.
These experiments have usually resulted in the determination

of a resuspension factor (RF).

The RF is defined by:

-1l) = concentration in air (uCi/m3)
RF (n™")
concentration on surface (uCi/m-)

R. L. Kathren has reviewed the data obtained on RF
values, 83

He indicates that,

“reported [RF] values for plutonium

and its compounds range over 11 orders of magnitude.“


11 erders corresponds to values between ic71l to 10-11 mol,
Kathren indicates that,

"an RF of 1074 m7i, although

conservative is appropriate. 84

Langham indicates that a


member of the Danish scientific team used an RF=107? ml
during the Thule deliberation.


We weuld recommend that

83/ Kathren, R.L., "Towards interim accertable suriace contamination levels for environmental Pu02," BNWL-SA-1510, Battelle
Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington, April 1968, pr. 3-4.


Ibid, p. 4.


Langham, Wright H., Op. cit., p. 5.

The Thule
ule Delinecra-

‘tions refer to the @eliberations following the accidental

crash of a B-52 bomber carrying nuclear wearons ncar Thuis
Air Force Base in Greenland.
The hich emplosives in the
weapons detonated and dispersed the plutsniun.

Select target paragraph3