- 14 -

In obtaining the derived values in Tables I and Iti,
MPLB and MPCa for Pu-239, a QF=10 was employed.

This OF

implies, as mentioned above, that the particles of Pu-239,
which emit alpha particle radiation,

in inducing cancer than X-rays.

are 10

times more effective

Although the irradiation of

tissue by insoluble plutonium particles is highly nonuniform,
no DF value has been assigned to these particles and hence, a

DF=1 was employed in determining the derived values in Tables I
and II.

Ideally, the DF should be determined by the ratio

of the observed effects in an organ Following uniform and

nonuniform radiation of the tissue with the same radicnuclide;
for example:
Number of cancers

DF ~ Number of cancers

(nonuniform irradiation}
(uniform irradiation)

Since direct experimental data are not available, it is
necessary to derive the DF for insoluble Pu-239 particles from
collateral data,

Ina subsequent section, we shall present

the biological evidence that strongly suggests that a DF=1
grossly underestimates the DE for insoluble particulates of
Pu-239 and, consequently, that the derived standards, MPLB

and MPC, for this radionuclide, are greatly in error?°,


In fact, it will be shown that the biological data strongly
suggests that for such particles one should use a Dr=].15,0092.



app 1 ies

- +

in insoluble


as well to cther alpha-emitting actniccs


Select target paragraph3