

(Frc) 2°,




The MPC, is included in the ICRP recommendations!+

and is also an AEC radiation standar


Of the standards

in Table I only the MPC, is designated in the AEC regulations.

However, this MPC, corresponds to that tabulated in ICRP
Publication 213 which is derived on the basis of the MPLD
listed in Table I.


the MPLD~°.

The MPLB is also derived on the basis of

The MPLB is not included in either the recommenda-

tions of ICRP, NCRP, the guidelines of FRC, or the AEC



In summary, in Table I the MPCa


‘in AEC regulations) is consistant with the MPLD and MPLB.


“Table I the MPLD applies to all forms of ionizing radiation. |
The MPLB and MPCa apply specifically to Pu-~239 in insoluble



FRC Report No. 1, Op. cit., p. 38.

The FRC has been

abolished and its duties transferred to EPA.

ICRP Publication 2, Revort of Committee II on Permissible
Dose for Internal Radiation, Pergamon Press, New York, 1969.

{Appeared in Health Phvsics, Vol.

3, Pergamon Press, June 19€0.]

12/10 CFR 20, Appendix B.

ICRP Publication 2, Op. cit.

14/ Mann, J.R. and A.R. Kirchner, “Evaluation of Lung Burden
Following Acute Inhalation of Highly Insoluble Pu02,"
Physics, Vol. 13, 1967, pp. 877-882.


The MPLB could apply to most other alpha-emitting

radionuclides with long half-lives, since the alpha particle

energies do not differ appreciably from the Pu-239 alpha
_ energy.

Select target paragraph3