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Agreement E(49-7)3159

Proposed New Agreement


Basis is TTPI PL No. 5-52,


Basis is TTPI PL No. 7-116 effective April 4, 1978.


Is Agreement between AEC HQ and TTPI.


Is Interagency Agreement between DOE/PASO and TTPI.
This is consistent with the intent of Wm. W. Burr's

telecommunications to Robert Taft dated July 11, 1978
and would allow for close supervision because of
Trequent PASO-TTPI contact.

Provides up to $20,000 per annum on reimbursable
basis. No flexibility to increase ceiling
unless document amended.
Calls for detailed expenditure statement from
TTPE but does not state what details desired.

Provides up to $30,000 per annum with option to

Calls for reporting form with medical details tied into

expenditure details.

It was brought to PASO's

attention that provisions of the Privacy Act may ~

preclude some of the detailed reporting as set forth
in Section 4 of the draft Interagency Agreement.

Covers exposed and control persons on BNL roster,

Same except provides some latitude for BNL physicians

in referring others on a case by case basis.

NOTE: Counsel for the people of Rongelap requested
that the Agreement include coverage for all people
of Rongelap and Utirik with thyroid abnormalities.

Provides $9.00 per diem for patients and escorts.

Provides $2.00 "subsistence" while inpatient; $10.00

while outpatient.

on a need basis.

This change should better allocate funds

The TTPI pays $1.00 per day to both

in and outpatients from outer islands.

Provides ship transportation and meals from home

Same but add air transportation between Ebeye and

island to District Hospital.

Majuro if necessary to referral treatment.

Expires June 30, 1975 subject to extensions
mutually agreed.

mutually agreed,


Expires September 30, 1979 subject to extensions

Activates Agreement only upon receipt of TTPI
regulations acceptable to DOE including illnesses to be

covered under agreement.

Select target paragraph3