(K, = 220)

for 30 tower shots with 4 2 100.

The horizontal part of

line A represents the mean K-factor (K, = 25) of 40 airbursts.


is a substantial difference between detonations on steel towers and
those that are air burst. We consider a burst on a building to be
comparable to a burst on a massive steel or concrete tower; similarly

a treetop burst is comparable to an airburst.

The most critical point

for establishing the dependence of K-factor on building height appears
to be the Trinity shot, analogous to ane megaton on a 30-story building.
If wooden towers can be considered analogous to treetop-burst conditions,
several points in the two figures are analogous to treetop bursts. The
only well-established ones are those for Smallboy and the two Little
Fellers. For lower elevations we have Koon, whose suspension does not
fit these categories, and Coulomb B, burst on a wooden tower but with
a poorly documented fallout pattern.
For air and treetop bursts, the Subcommittee recommends using line
A in Figures 1 and 2, which amounts to a factor of about 0.45 for

a scaled burst height, A}, of 10. This is uncertain to the extent
represented by the spread in the Small Boy data.

As for bursts on buildings, the available data indicate that
line B should be used, which is to say a height-of-burst correction
of only 0.87 at a scaled height of burst of 4 = 10. This effect
cannot reduce the K-factor below about 220 no matter how tall the
building. As in Chapter 1, DCPA needs a K-factor (K,) that does
not reflect reductions for instrument response or ground roughness.

On this basis, the minimum K-factor (K)) for bursts on buildings is

about 390,


Select target paragraph3