Problems in using this procedure have been particularly difficult
very close to ground zero and very far away from it. At close-in
locations, physical factors have often prevented the installation of

recording instruments, and high radiation levels have denied entry

for standard methods of measurement until decay and weathering have

greatly detreased the levels of radiation.

Airplaneand helicopter

measurements over such areas have not been reliable.
Often, however,
because the area within the innermost measured contour is small, the
resultant K-factor has not been sensitive to the estimates needed in
lieu of measurements within that contour.

At great distances, the reliability of measurements is reduced
because intensities are small, approaching background levels.

Unfortunately their contribution to the integral can be large because

of the large areas involved. Properly, A; (or rather the value of
1(A})) should be determined by the definition of local fallout. The
tendency of many investigators to carry out the integration to the
limit of reliability of the data results in an implicit definition
of local fallout that varies from shot to shot and makes intercomparison
of results difficult.
A number of empirical values of Ky are listed in Table 1.
cannot guarantee that these data do meet the criterion of consistent
integration limits.)

All the fallout patterns from which these data

were obtained are uncertain to some degree. The Subcommittee believes /
that the best near-surface-burst data on this list are those from
Johnie Boy, Buffalo 2, Zuni, Tewa, and Jangle Surface. Taking a
mean of those average values, we get

Ky » 1090.
This mean represents average field-roughness conditions, and instruments
as used in the past. In DCPA use, a K-factor is required which does not
include corrections for surface roughness or instrument response, which

is to say Ky.

Since Kj = 16/9 K,, the result is

K) a 1930,
The Subcommittee recommends

that DCPA use this value of K}t


Select target paragraph3