Brig. General Starbird



APN 2 8 1K

to four million of excess inventory could be disposed of assuming
that we vrocess this equipment and surplus inventory to reduce
the level by approximately 50%
It is estimated it would require
six to eight months to reduce the manpower level by 50 or more
men if the job of transferring equipment and surplus inventory was
a job site requirement.

If this major reduction to 200 men is contemplated within the next
two years, it would seem to us that it might be just as weil to
initiate action towards this reduction now and accomplish the
reduction as soon as possible, with due consideration to the man-

power requirements that might be required for crating and shipping
of surplus equipment.

We would recommend that equipment installed in scientific stations
be left there, as most of this equipment is of special design for
the particular structure for which it is used. We feel that the
cost for recovery of this equipment would exceed that for which we
would obtain from it.

Holmes & Narver has informed us that they feel with even the
closing down of the Tank Farm on Elmér (topping tanks used with

diesel fuel) that theie would be adequate capability to meet the

Air Force requirements.

We would have on Fred two 10,000 bbl. jet

fuel tanks and two 10,000 bbl. tanks for aviation gas. Our diesel
fuel and mogas fuel would be contained in two 5,000 bbl. tanks.
Our present schedule for delivery of oil is on a 60-day cycle, and

our supply should be adequate for 70-80 days.

One thing that should be considered in the reduction to 200 men or

below is that very little capability would remain in this organiza-

tion for any additional construction or construction support to

potential users of the site. Also, it is very doubtful that with
this reduction we would be able to house, feed, and transport
large numbers of temporary residents. We might handle the 200 Air
Force personnel for a period of a few days, but we doubt that we

could satisfactorily do this for a period of two weeks unless the
Air Force personnel were willing to pitch in and help. We doubt if
they would bring mess-hall and housing-type personnel with them.
Finally, we feel that this reduction probably could not be efficiently
accomplished before December 31, 1960, even if we were directed to

start immediately



C&O 3



H&N Analysis dtd 4/12/60

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