
Monthly Status Report, June 1951


Biology and Medicine

Tes James H. Sterner, Medical Director, Eestaan Kodak Company, and Con
sultant to this Division, resigned as chairman but will continue to serve as
a member of the Comittee, slong with Dr. Robert A. Kehoe, Director, Kettering
Laboratory of Applied Physiolagy, University of Cincirmatis Dr. Philip Drinker,
Profaesor of Industrial Bygiene, School of Public Health, Harvard University;
Dr. Henry Ae Blair, Direetor, Atomic Energy Projact, University of Rochester;
end-Dr. Shields Tarren (Rx Officio Member)




PSomstosion ~ Mt a Comission aneting held on June 25;
» Ye 1952 for the ABCC was approved in the

eacunt of $1,300,000(ABC 3159/8). A three~year contract will. be negotiated by
the YOO with the National Academy of Sciences for the fiperation of the ABCC,
te be financed by amrual supplements of ons-year duration.

Biophysics Quam

& weeting on June 28 and 29 at Los Alamos reviewed the radiation safety

eriteria for the coming fall test.

Tentative agreement has been reached on

eal monitoring following the teste

The Ios Alamos group will be ras=-

fer covering an area within a 50 mile radius of the test site with

theDiviton of Mology and Wedicine responsible fer the long-range monitoring

At the request of the Commission and the General Yenoger, the Biophysics

Branch has bean reviewing the problen of radioactive contamination from fallout in the light of Greenhouse and Ranger data.

veview will be completed prior to the fall teste.

It is anticipated that this

Symporig~ A symposium sponsored by the Bt00 on Radium and Radon

texicology was

Rew York on June 13 and ik, 1951, to exchange information

and discuss ideas regarding the measurement of radium and radon in the human



It was decided that no changes in maximum permissible levels of axposure

would be made at this time.









to consider Jointly with other interested Federal agencies and with those sin-

flerly concerned in the United Kingdon, the administrative and selentific prob=
lems related ta food aspects of civilian defanse. It ia proposed that the conference ba held in London in late October or early November of this yeare
The Comission reply stated that within the Liaits of AEC

and within the limits of uiclassified information, the Coumission will be glad

to participate in the conference. Dr. Yarren was designated as AEC representative for the proposed conferences.


___ OFFICE >


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