





1958 tests in the Pacific,

especially since correspondents have

noted specific tests about every other year.

Any announcement

on Taongi would have to be coordinated with the notification
to the Security Council.
9, The length of the test operation, based on a 31 shot

program has been estimated at 3 months.

This assumes fhe dual

atoll concept and implementation of the full dual shot capability,

with the laboratories centering their activities on separate

However, the 3 month estimate does not include the use

of Taongi.

If Taongi is used it would almost certainly shorten

the operation, possibly by as much as 3 weeks.

If the number

of shots were decreased tO e5 there might be a time saving of

1 to 2 weeks, but this estimate depends on the specific shots
which are eliminated,

HARDTACK would start in May of 1958 and extend into

FY 1959.

However, because most costs must accrue well before

the firings, we estimate some 80% of the full HARDTACK costs

will acerue in FY 1958.


The best rough estimates we can make at present

would indicate that a 31 shot program using Bikini and

Eniwetok only would cost approximately $48 million, of

which approximately $40 million would be required in .

FY 1958.

Using Taongi as well would add some $6.1

million, largely in FY 1958.

This would be partially

offset by a decrease in cost of approximately pe million

in FY 1959 due to the shorter operation.


b. Against this there is budgeted for FY 1958 only
$34.7 million.
c, A twenty-seven shot program (in lieu of 31),

including the use of Taongi,

is estimated to cost

some $52.7 million of which $44.7 million would
accrue in PY 1958.

ll. DMA has reviewed the list of planned shots as given in

detail in Appendix "B" and believes that a program of approximately
27 shots could be adopted now for planning purposes without





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