AenheARHei REA

15. Taongi would be used only as a barge site.


diagnostics and firing would be accomplished from a ship.


of the ship would permit a flexibility in operation and would
further reduce the time of stay of technical personnel overseas
by about one month, since installation and dry-running of egquip-

ment could be accomplished while the ship is still on the West

This ship would be controlled by the AEC and manned by

MSTS or Holmes & Narver personnel.

Although the cost of outfitting

and operating such a ship appears large,

there are offsetting

considerations and survey is presently under way of vessels which

might be available and suitable for this use.

It would not be

necessary to construct any diagnostic stations or other facilities,

-estimated to cost $2.5 million, on Taongi.

In addition, the

diagnostic ship provides a facility for a "quicki'


tests of smaller

over-all magnitude at a minimum cost.

16. The use of Taongi would require additional logistic

The air operations of Task Group 7.4 (Air) and the

surface operations of Task Group 7.3

(Navy) would be increased.

Shot barges would have to be Perried by LSD from the Eniwetok/ |
Bikini area to Taongi; however,

the establishment of a UCRIL

assembly area at Bilcini would practically eliminate the LSD trips

between Bikini and Eniwetok for UCRL shots at Bikini, thus com~
pensating for the Taongi trips.

The re-supply of the diagnostic

ship, small craft support, liaison aircraft or helicopter support,
and increase Task Group 7.5 support requirements would be additional.


the elimination of evacuation, re-entry

and recovery operations for large shots at Bikini will accelerate
the operation and offset somewhat those increases occasioned by
use of Taongi.

The question of the capability of DOD to provide

the additional military support requirements resultingfrom the
use of Taongi has not been resolved.

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Appendix "4"

Select target paragraph3