





13. Taongi has previously been considered by the Test

Organization as a possible test site.

However, its limited

size, unsuitable entrance, and lack of anchorage facilities

have weighed against it,

particularly from the standpoint of

blast and water damage to diagnostic stations and heavy contami-

nation of these facilities.

With the development of methods of

' obtaining the necessary diagnostic data remotely from a diagnostic
ship reconsideration of the use of Taongi is appropriate...

On the basis of preliminary reports of the Task Force

Weather organization and Taongi's geographical location with
respect to populated islands in the Marshall Islands,

it seems

quite obvious that firing from Taongi should be appreciably

easier than from Bikinl or Eniwetok.

Shots can be detonated at

Taongi under normal wind conditions, whereas at Bikini it is
necessary to fire on what might be referred to as abnormal
the south.

i.e., with some appreciable wind components from
It might be said that we could fire at Taongi under

more stable weather conditions and less positive predictable |
weather conditions.

In addition to its superior position with

respect to prevailing winds, the increased distances to populated

istands are a distinct advantage from the safety aspect for two


in case of fallout on any populated areas,


levels will be lower; and second, there will be appreciably ©
more time to take emergency action.

The chart attached as an

Annex to Appendix "A" shows the location of Taongi with respect
to the other atolls of the Marshall Islands, its more favorable

situation with respect to direction, and the distances from
Eniwetok, Bikini and Taongi.

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Appendix "Aa"

Select target paragraph3