




Tt has been proposed by UCRL and ALOO that Taongi Atoll

be set up as a third firing site at EPG for HARDTACK and future
test operations.

Taongi is an uninhabited atoll located approxi-

mately at 168° 50! E longitude and 14° 40'N latitude, 285 miles

northeast of Bikini and 324 miles south-southeast of Wake Island.
It is erescent-shaped, approximately 10 miles. long and X miles
wide at its

greatest width.

A chord joining the tips of the

crescent lies along a NNW-SSEE direction and is approximately
normal to the wind.

The lagoon is totally landlocked except for

a very narrow channel in the

leeward reef.

The land areas of

the atoll, consisting of long narrow sand islands


lying along

southeastern side of the atoll from northeast to southwest,

span a distance of some 8 miles.
to using Taongi.

There are two major advantages

First, due to its unique location with respect

to inhabited lands of the Marshall Islands, the southern

boundary of the danger area and the permanent facilities of EPG,
Taongi has always been recognized as having distinct advantages
as regards safety.

From the standpoint of fallout, Taongi is a

safer place to fire high yield shots than either Bikini or

It may be necessary to extend the danger areito the

east since the distance from Taongl to the eastern boundary of the
danger area used on REDWING is

only about 200 miles.

But this

does not necessarily imply that the HARDTACK danger area would

be larger than that for REDWING; the danger area to be used will
be based upon an evaluation of all pertinent factors such as
yield, shot site, position of device, and so forth.

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Also, the

Appendix "a"

Select target paragraph3