
Unconditionally agree to payment as requested in the bill



Unconditional agreement would place AEC in most favorable

light from public relation standpoint.


Unconditional agreement will eliminate any chance of
obtaining alteration of bill in next session of
Micronesian Congress to meet AEC objections.


Such action may encourage Micronesian Congress to make
further demands without recognition of the need for
negotiation with AEC or other U.



government agencies.

Legal authority for this is questionable unless the funding

is designated to be for research purposes,

Cost is difficult to project with broad definition of

controls in bill as passed.

Proposal of provisional agreement under which costs would be shared
with Department of Interior pending acceptable revision of bill
in next session of Micronesian Congress and then fully assumed by AEC.



Potential unfavorable reaction may be mitigated by declaration
of earnest implicit in willingness co assume part and then all
of cost.


Need to negotiate with AEC or any other agency of U. S. Government
rather than legislate demands will be conveyed to Micronesian


Opportunity to rectify objectionable features in bill would
be gained.


Information about interim medical events in support of
Brookhaven study will be acquired.





Micronesian Congress may react unfavorably to less than
complete immediate assumption of payments by AEC, thus
resulting in adverse publicity despite positive action.



Select target paragraph3