(a) "Danger area” means the following:
(1) That area established, effective April 5, 1958,
encompassing the Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls,
Marshall Islands and which is bounded by a

line joining the following geographic coordi-

189 30! N., 156° 00!
18° 30! N., 1709 00!
115 30' N., 1709 00!
115 30' N., 166, 16!

biel Gi tl


10° 15' N., 166° 16' E,
10° 15! N., 156° oo! E,
(2) That area established, effective July 25, 1958,
encompassing Johnston Island and which is a

circle of 400 nautical miles radius centered
at the following geographic coordinates:

longitude 169° 31! 00' west and latitude 16°

45! O0O' North.

(b) "HARDTACK test series" means that series of nuclear

tests conducted and to be conducted by the Atomic Energy
Commission and the Department of Defense at the Eniwetok

Proving Ground and at Jchnston Island, within the danger
areas as defined in paragraph (a) of this section, which
tests began in April 1958 and will end at an announced time

during the calendar year 1958,


Sec. 112.4 is amended as follows:

Sec. 112.4 Prohibition.
No United States citizen or other
person who is within thé scope of this part shall enter, attempt
to enter,

conspire to enter ov remain in either of the defined

danger areas (Sec, 112.3 (a)) during the continuation of the

HARDTACK test series, concept with the express approval of appropriate officials of the Atomic Energy Commission or the Department of Defense.

The Part head of this part is hereby amended to read as


"“HARDTACK Nuclear Test Series, 1958",
~ 30 ~

Select target paragraph3