Public Affairs Guidance

Take a completely open approach in conduct of the public information
aspects and in the dissemination of information derived by the
radiological survey.
Schedule a show-and-tell briefing and press conference before the
aerial survey begins, in Honolulu, on board the USNS Wheeling with
participation by the Department's of the Interior and Defense (DON).
Provide news media access to the ship when it arrives in Kwajalein
for resupply.
Conduct both introductory and post survey briefings at each populated
atoll or island.
There must be a “dry run" to preview these briefings
for DOE, DOL, and TT staff and preparation and coordination of questions
and answers.
Encourage and welcome coverage of the survey by domestic and foreign
news media staff and accommodate their requests.
Newsmen who request
to accompany the survey team should be allowed to do so under the
following criteria: that they pay their own expenses and plan to stay
out for at least one week, and that they arrange their own transportation to rendezvous with the ship.
Technical staff will be
expected to cooperate to the fullest.
Allow newsmen to accompany the medical team if they pay their own
expenses, do not interfere with the medical team, and a DOE information officer escorts them.
Establish closer coordination on public information matters with
DOE's own contractors, National Labs and field offices working in
the Marshalls.

Provide a DOE Public Information Officer to accompany news media who

will be responsible for dissemination and collection of information.
The PI officer will be supported in on-atoll communications by an
expert in cross-cultural communications plus other members of the
technical staff as needed.
Upon completion of the aerial survey project:

Hold a press briefing in Honolulu and/or Washington to explain
preliminary findings and followon activities.



Select target paragraph3