SEPTEMBER 25, 1972

The meeting was opened by CDR Wolff, Chairman of the Eniwetok Coordination
Committee. A change to the previous meeting minutes was made to insure
correctness. Specifically, delete the name of CAPT Gay from the third
sentence, page 1, last paragraph.
Major Fava briefed the Committee on the Technical Directors' Meeting
held on September 19 and 20, 1972, at LLL.

Several handouts concerning

the aquatic program, the aquatic sampling gear, the food chain dose
assessment, and the organization of the Eniwetok survey program
(presented at the LLL meeting) were provided. It was noted that a
detailed survey plan should be available during the week of October 2.
Copies of viewgraphs shown at the LLL meeting will be forwarded to DMA

for use in the pending Commission briefing.

Other topics briefed

included the measurements program, marine survey, logistics support
and requirements, soil survey, and sample analysis efforts. Representatives
of DBER and DOS also provided comments and impressions of the meeting at


Tommy McCraw (DOS) noted that the survey was to get underway October 12
and that Runit will be near the end of the survey--the plan is to start
in the least contaminated areas and work to the more heavily contaminated
islands. A memorandum was being prepared by DOS regarding the need for
the survey team to develop plutonium cleanup information while on Runit.
CDR Wolff reported on his recent visit to DNA and described the Logistics
Branch (DNA) function in regard to the survey and cleanup. Mr. Futral
(DNA) is point of contact and has been working directly with NV in regard
to logistic requirements. It was further commented that:

Minutes of September 7 interagency meeting were classified.

question as to whether this information should be classified


Confidential was posed. It was felt that the document was
Confidential possibly due to discussion regarding natives.


There will be an interagency meeting on October 5--CAPT Gay will
attend along with someone from OIS. Main topic will be public
affairs treatment of surveys.

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