7» Admittedly such information cannot be furnished for

specific or restricted ranges of yields without some indication
of atockpile composition,

Providing effects information for

ylelds of 1 KT up to 100 megatons does cover the range of yields
of most likely effects

interest and does not reveal any useful


8, Since the information proposed by the DOD for declasstification ineludes effects information extrapolated for ydelds
up to 100 MT, concurrence by the AEC in the DOD Proposal would
meke available effects information in a range of yields which
would cover

ths most likely current and near future capabilities

of any potential enemy based on the technology known to the
United States,
9, The limiting of effects information to yields of 100 MT
is an arbitrary selection and similar information could be «=. ‘2
ecmputed for yields to 1,000 MT or higher,

However, present

indications are that such weapons could not be delivered by air,
the method which is of most concern to planners of industrial
10, It therefore appears reasonable to include in the

revision of "The Effects of Atomic Weapons" effects information
for ylelds up to 100 MT,

- 7 -

Appendix "A"


wen bis

Select target paragraph3