plan, together with establishment of categories,
would facilitate supplying the ACBM with the in-

(continued )

sense of relative importance of the various projects in the programs.


formation in a more orderly manner with a better

DR. SHILLING then described the new plan for


establishing programmatic categories within the ACBM program.
The general plan and categorical listing is shown in Appendix B.

He stated that the plan represented considerable

effort covering many months under the leadership



of Dr. Paul Henshaw. It was explained that the
category titles in many instances were not always

the best choices from a scientific point of view,
but were belleved to be of use in presenting the
program to Congress, the Bureau of the Budget, or
other groups consisting substantially of laymen.

It is planoed to have one DBM representative for each particular

category for the purpose of reviewing programs, visiting contractors,
and attending scientific meetings in order for him to have @ com-

plete picture of the entire scope of the subject.

It was explained

that although this plan had been applied to date only to offsite
research in order to be aware of the entire program at any time.

DR. BUGHER raised a question as to the meaning of Category 15
entitled, "Basic Research". This question stimulated considerable

discussion of the meaning of basic research, which depends greatly
upon the user, most research scientists believing that they are
doing basic research.
DR. SHILLING explained that the principal purpose of the "Basic

Research" category was for projects that could not be placed in

any one of the other categories.
DR. GLASS raised the question as
to the appropriate category for such things as Biochemistry which,

although not listed itself, often could be listed under various
other categories shown. DR. BUGHER again raised the matter of

“Basic Research" category and warned of the problems which might
arise because of the use of the term which depends so much on the
point of view of the individual.
After considerable discussion

of the semantics of the problem, it was agreed that the term

"Basic Research" would make Item 15 a vulnerable item for budgetary

as well as other reasons and it was generally agreed that the
category designation should be changed to "Non-Categorized".

DR. SHILLING pointed out the fact that the term “Atoms for Peace”
currently has been used only for foreign programs although, in

fact, the entire DBM research program is an "Atoms for Peace"

Select target paragraph3