i. Merril Eisenbud
MR. EISHENBUD expressed concern with the manner in which the con-

cept of the waximum permissible dose has been applied in the past.
Although there has been considerable experience with
similar maximum permissivie limits of other types
such as the flocr loading of a building, such
experience has evidentiy not been available to those
preparing radiation coles. In the case of floor
loading, the values specified are frequently exceeded as in the case of a heavy safe. Building
inspectors, however, are authorized to use judgment
and to permit reasonable deviation.
He also spoke
of experience in the uranium processing plants where workers at

times were consistently being overexposed although their exposure
for a period of years was well below the average maximum permissible

MR. EISENBUD expressed a belief that the whole

future of the program was in jeopardy because of the unrealistic

way maximum permissible dose figures are being applied and that an
occasional overexposure should not be considered a failure on the
part of the control progran.
DR. GLASS expressed agreement with the point of view, but mentioned
that even for an individual the belief is that there is a level
beyond which possible genetic damage to his own immediate offspring
would result, although at a very much higher level than the figures
under consideration.
The British Committee set this limit for the
individual as a total of 200 roentgens over a forty-year period.

DR. WARREN expressed the opinion that if any land at all were purchased because of the high radiation level, the Commission would be

subject to later damage claims from anyone in a similar situation
where land had not been purchased because of its cost.

MR. TAMMARO explained that cost had not been a consideration in the
case of the Idaho property but the criterion had been whether or not
the land had been irrigated.
The purchase of irrigated land had
seemed to present a public relations problem.
Actually no decision
has yet been made.
DR. WARREN suggested purchasing the land and
allowing the residents to use it on an annual license.
There was further discussion on the subject of whether the 5 roentgen
limit was intended to apply on 4 population besia or an individual
The various recommendations appear to mean on an individual

basis although not clear.

Mr. Corsbie was introduced by Dr. Warren to discuss the Civil Defense

- oh.

Select target paragraph3