but it costs the AEC nothing and it covers a wide

(continued )

is also another sampling program which brings in


area because of the number of ships involved.


approximately several pounds of tuna fish a month

for Strontium analysis. The levels found are somewhat lower than the milk levels, but are probably

less significant.

DR. BUGHER pointed out that the figure 7,000 quoted for plankton

(phase 4) cannot be compared directly with the figures of about

1,000 found for Troll samples.
This could probably be explained
by the fact that the Troll survey was conducted a year after the
test which may explain the difference because of the time factor.
MR. EISENBUD commented that the iodine content might also have
been a factor.
DR. DUNNING was then introduced in order to describe
the criteria of safety for offsite populations at the Navy test

Dr. Gordon M. Dunning
(Much of DR. DUNNING'S discussion involved weapons testing and is
therefore classified. )
He pointed out that the NAS has recommended exposure limits of
10 r up to the age of thirty for the general population and 50 r

for up to tre age of thirty for the individual.

He also said that in the case of populations close


to the test site, we are dealing neither with

individuals or with the general population and,
therefore, the limits should probably be somewhere
between the 10 r and 50 r scale. A tentative
figure is proposed as 10 r for a ten-year period
which he admitted was somewhat arbitrary.
figure of 3.9 r in any one year which has been used previously
should be continued because it has a considerable background and
has been accepted by the population near the test site as a

recognized limit. DR. DUNNING explained that an effort should be
made to use these numbers as an operational guide rather than

absolute limit, a matter which may present a public relations pro-

blem since the general population does not appreciate that slight
differences near the exposure limit are immaterial. He told of a

number of specific experiences during recent tests in the exposure
of certain areas.

DR. GLASS commented on the proposal because he felt that geneticists
would be the most likely groups to comment on any such proposal. He
didn't believe that any geneticists would be concerned about the
exposure of any minute fraction of the total population to a level

Select target paragraph3