(continued )

The detector cousisted of a sandwich made
up of @ liquid phosphur and ordinary water. 330 fiveinch photomultiplier tubes were employed.

MK. JOHNSON read exerpts from a letter of Mr. Butenhoff's
in which he told of the progress of the meeting.

Dr. Charles Shilling
DR. SHILLING presented the domestic aspects of the training program
to be conducted by the DBM that require funds of $5,111,000 during
fiscal year 1958.
Essentially, the program consists
of several parts.




The radiological physics program is to be increased

by the addition of twenty-five fellows and the

stipend is to be raised to $2,500.


A new program of advanced training in radiological

physics at the PhD level is planned in order to

provide personnel for some of the administrative jobs within the
AEC program.
This is planned for five or more candidates and

will cost approximately $50,000.

The industrial hygiere and industrial medical program is the
same as previously.


Special training ceurses at AEC laboratories, given principally
in the Sumer, are planned on the same scale as previously.
This is a $308,000 item.


Plans have teen made to provide isotopes training laboratories

for medical schocis. A conference was held with four representatives of medicel schools in order to work out some of the details which have yet to be decided upon.


It is planned to provide isotope training laboratories for biology departments
in universities and agricultural schools.
This presents a problem in that there are so many more such
biology departments than there are medical schools and a decision

will be required as to what level this suppert should be. A
conference is planned to discuss some cf the details of this problem similar tc the conference held for the medical school program.
This item was originally for $1.5 million but was reduced

by the budget cut to about $500,000.


j%«It is planned to continue the program of radiobiological
training for high school science teachers.
During the past year

Select target paragraph3