Dr. Charles W. Shilling
DR. SHILLING stated that a $5 million item for research equipment

and support has been provided in the budget which should aid

materially in assisting cooperative countries in
establishing their own research training programs.

Such funds could be used for small accelerators,


mass spectrometers, radioactive laboratories, gamma

sources, subcritical assemblies, low-cost computing
devices, and so forth.

An illustration of the type of activity planned by

the DBM for 1958 is the expenditure of $310,000 to

assist five countries in the establishment of isotope training facilities and a half-million dollars for the establishment of facilities
for training personnel for the five foreign countries in the

principals of radiological safety.

. [Two additional items of interest were the training of foreign

nationals ($2 million) and a scientific and technical conferences

Another budget item of interest is the provision of $350,000 for a

contract with the engineering group in Puerto Rico for a reactor
with a view of setting up sort of a Puerto Rican BNL for $3.9 million
including laboratory buildings for agricultural, medical, biological,
and physical sciences.

The extended use of Cobalt-60


as well as other radioisotopes would be of great help to many South

American countries because of difficulties in maintaining x-ray

equipment in good operation.

Dr. Paul B. Pearson
On extremely short notice Dr. Pearson visited Costa Rica with

Dr. Sterling Hendricks, Department of Agriculture; Dr. Harold H.
Smith, Brookhaven National Laboratory; and Mr. Allen
Newton, Division of International Affairs. He gave
a detailed account of his visit and observations and
again pointed out the importance of its location in
Costa Rica. One reason for selecting Costa Rica is
that it already has an established and functioning
Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

DR. DUNHAM remarked that Dr. Pearson's complete re-

port of the trip is now considered as a model for
such a visit by the Division of International Affairs.

DR. PEARSON then reported briefly on his visit to Italy and Spain.
DR. PEARSON expressed concurrence in the recommendation that an


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