in the Rongelap atoll,.,., for radiation exposures sustained by them as a result
of a thermonuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1,
1954" (ser-enciysure=2e

The Secretary of the Interior was authorized to pay

$950,000 less fees for legal services to the 83 inhabitants of Rongelap, or to
their survivors, affected by radiation exposure after the detonation.

The paymenc

was made in full settlement and discharge of all claims against the United States
arising out of the detonation.

Each exposed individual or his heirs received

approximately $11,000 as a Lump sum payment.
. Although thyroid lesions were discovered by the Brookhaven medical survey
team as early as September 1963, the bill was introduced prior to that date and

the. Lilet ae

was acted upon without apparent awareness of vany


ate/medical sequelae of the

exposure to fallout.
The bill did not provide for payment of compensation to the Uririk people
who received an average estimated radiation dose of

14 rads from fallout.


‘people of Utirikhave felt slighted at their omission fron the compensated
population, especially since they were evacuated from their island to Majuro for
a limited period and are included in the medical surveys at three year intervals.
In November 1970 the Atomic Energy Commission made a sum of $16,000 available to
the Trust Territory as an inconvenience payment to the 157 exposed Utirik persons
or their heirs.

It was felt that this token sum would satisfy the need of the

Utirik people for recognition.
The High Commissioner of the Trust Territory never signed the executive
agreement required to accomplish the disbursement of
for reasons


that we have not been able to ascertain.

the payments

to the Utirikese

Select target paragraph3