October 15, 1971

Aye fas


Dr. Sonc
Mr. Finn

Dr. Aronson

Any reasearch project, program or experiment which involves humen. subjects
sust be approved by © review coamittee priur to the initiation of the study.
This commttec will be appointed by the Director of tue Luboratory and will

evaluate the riaks, benefits, en: safecuacds to the subject's asalth, safety
and rivht to privacy.

The comnittea shall ve so couposed taut only persons

who are independent of the study in question shall sit at a given meatin:.


make-up ana responsibilities of tha committee shall ba consistent with the
directives of the Feceral Foo! ans Dru: Adminiatration, the Departuent of Health

Education. and Welfsze an. the Atomic Ener. Commission (see: Protection of gEhe
individual ae o ResearchBuvject, U. 5. Dept. Hadlti, Education, an Welfare,
PHS, May 1, 1964; Fesaral Re-israr, 3£, °03°<5050, L./1; HB! Policy Statement
on Patient Corsent, HE Grants Adwinistration Manual, le4ue0!' through 140050.)
Informetive rvecorcég of -eviews anc decisions shall he sept b che Comeittes
anc contiouin, review si the studies shall be osde at sppropriate intervals uot
to exceec one year,

The principa! investic-ator involve: shall initiate Gouslttes

review by submission oc the experimental desi-n, description end pretecel to his
or her Depsrtment Chairman, who will, afte> avaluation, aither forvard the study

to the Com:itres fer review oz return it to the principel investigator.
Followin: its review, the Comaittee will return the proposal to the Depart-

ment Chairmen recommendin: either approval or rejection, and the Chairman shall
either approve the study or reject it.
be adequately explained.

Reesons for vajection of a proposal sball

Wo project may be put into action withour the recommands-

tion of approval by the Commitces.
The project director or principal invegtiseator cust report cto the Comaittes

anu? problems which arise or significant changes in procedure vhich eccur during
the course of the experiment.


Select target paragraph3