the OCB Staff Representative would circulate a revised draft to the

Working Group for final review before subuission to the Executive Officer
of OCB. Discussion brought out the following point not previously

Effect of U.S. Announcements of Soviet Weapons Tests. —— At
the suggestion of the Chairman, the Working Group members can-

cerned (state, USIA) ugrecd to ottain the facts with respect to

domestic and overseas reaction to past U.S. announcenents of

Soviet weapons tests together with reactions to announcements of
comperable U.S. weanons tests, It was the sense of the Working

Group that the wanner and timing of recent U.S. announcements on

Soviet tests had not achleved widespread public attention. It was
felt that the policy of restricting announcements of Soviet tests

to a mere nention of their occurrence without cescriptive detail of
any kind was mitigating against widespread public interest. It was
reco:nized that for effective overseas news play, sufficient lead
time should be provided for guidance to be given to news wedia in

advance of ‘any U.S. announcement on this subject.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chairman.

Richard Hirsch
OCB Staff Represent:tive


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