
February 19, 1957

The conclusions and special requirements pointed out in the study
may be summarized briefly as follows:
1. The use of Taongi and Bikini would shorten UCRL
operations overseas by about 7 weeks, over that time
required if only Bikini were available. The effects
on shortening the operation as a whole is not fully
known but it would likely amount to three weeks to
a month.
2. Taongi would be used only as a barge site. All
diagnostics and firing would be accomplished from a
ship. Use of the ship will permit flexibility in
operation and will further reduce the time of stay of
technical personnel overseas by about one month, since.
installation and dry running of equipment can be accom-~

plished while the ship is still at San Francisco.


ship will need to be diverted soon in order to provide
adequate time to fit it out. It is estimated that fit-.
ting out of the ship will cost about $1,200,000.

The cost of site development on the basis proposed

is estimated at $3,000,000.

In view of all of the stated considerations it is our recommendation

that the Taongi site be developed for use during HARDTACK. As a
corollary requirement, a weather station should be established at

Taongi now, even if ship-borr initially, to collect meteorological

data through the present year.




G. W. Johrigon
Test Division Leader

Attachment - COL-57-11


Cy. 1A - Brig. Gen. Alfred D. Starbird w/att. 1A™””
THRU: Mr. K. F. Hertford, ALOO

2A - Brig. Gen. Alfred D. Starbird w/att. 2A
3A - Brig. Gen. Alfred D. Starbird w/att. 3A
4A - K. F. Hertford, ALOO w/att. 4A
5A - J. E. Reeves, ALOO w/att. 5A
6A - J. E. Reeves, ALOO w/att. 6A

7A - A. GC. Graves, LASL w/att. 7A

8A - W. E. Ogle, LASL w/att. 8A

9A - G. L. Felt, LASL w/att. 9A

10A - W. B. Reynolds, UCRL w/att. 10A
11A - H. F. Fidler, SFO w/att. LIA

12A - D. GC. Sewell, UCRL w/att. 12A
13A - H. E. Parsons, FCWT w/att. 13A

144A - W. D. Gibbins, UCRL w/att. 14A
15A & 16A - G. W. Johnson, UCRL w/att. 15A & 16A
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