optionMz is an extention of the denuding and plowing described



he i3


In addition, the important island of Janet (Enjebi) would be signifi-

cantly affected by denuding of vegetation and then plowing or soil overlay
The amounts, aside from crater lips, would be:

(as required).

—90% of the 22 acres of Alice (Bogallua)
~4100% "
Belle (Ibgombogo)



15% "







"Clara (Eybbiyac)









" Daisy (Lidilbut)




CUR Arts

Trene (Bogon)

. ack i

Janet (Enjebi)

pearl (Rujiyoru)

Options 4%ard V progressively insult the northern islands by denuding
and plowing (or soil overlays).
Radiological Consequences


The purpose of the Study based on this matrix of options
and elsewhere is to ascertain these radiological consequences, particularly
as measured by possibie increase in the incidence of cancer and leukemia

for the ~4(107) Eniwetok People.
One example is what is currently the extreme of possible cancer
incidence as projected by Goffman and Tamplin.

They project one cancer per,
For four L et ti EW rey
2,000 population per year (after 15 years) for 170 mR/yr. Aine external

radiation for the "worst case" of lmR/hr for the whole population is
“~~50 times greater than this, and so the most pessimistic projection would

-be 10 cancers per year for the 4(202) population from this external


(column A the metrin)!

In the "worst case" of unrestricted dietand the projections of Goffman
and Tamplin, the incidence of leukemia would similarly be significant, Based
on the similarity of strontium-90 in foods for Bikini and Eniwetok and the
figures of Gustafson, the internal exposure would also be a factor of 50
over the 170 mR/yr base.

Again, 10 cases per year would pessimistically

be projected, but this for leukemia from strontium-90 internal exposure (a

15 years).



Select target paragraph3