poe od
Cleanup pAhete- and Gamma-Ray Activity oe 131R/hr and’ ~~ *



plutonium to-~~ 200 pCi/g.
The Yvonne (Runit) plutonium cleanup of Option II is involved
‘in this and the following Options.

Beta- and gamma-ray areas are

cleane/A< 131 AR/hr (to the "H" isodose contour of the E.G. and G.


Thus the remaining high plutonium concentration OF 196 100 4

which is on Alice (Bogallua), would be used along with ~4 31yR/hr of
beta- and gamma-ray exposure for the entire population.

Cleanup of Beta- and Gamma-Ray Activity to ~65pR/he and plutonium

to~70 £i/g.



The beta- and gamma-ray cleanup of Option III would be extended
to <65pR/hr (to the "G"' contour of E.G. and G.) with the consequence
that plutonium concentrations would likely be reduced to ~-70 pCi/e.


Cleanup of Beta- and Gamma-Ray Activity to,4033 pR/hr.
The beta~ and gamma-ray cleanup of Options III and IV would

be extended to 33pR/br (to the "F" contour of E.G. and G.) with
the consequence that plutonium concentrations would likely be reduced

to#7pCi/g as, for example, would- remain on Sally (Aomon).

Options of Living Patterns
A. No Restrictions
No restrictions on place of occupancy means, for the "worst case,"
that the entire population lives where the residual external radioactivity
is largest.

The food consumption is assumed to be the same as that

given by Gustufson! for Bikini Atoll; no food supplements nor corrective

action on tree cultivation are assumed.

No Occupaney Restrictions; Corrective Measures on Pandanus Fruit
As in A, no occupancy restrictions apply.

Pandanus trees would


always be grown with radioactive soil removed from around them.
Ip.F. Gustufson, "Radiological Report on Bikini Atoll," U.S. AEC Notes,
Rent dV


fivne.. RPP Ab AA.


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Select target paragraph3