February 22 and 27, 1945, might return this fall as adults.

fo date, no marked fish have returned, Since the run has been
completed for this year we must discontime our observations

until the fall of 1947 when it is hoped that the marked fish
will return to the lake.
Section V
A summaryof these data has not been completed.
Section VI, VII and VIII
Final reports have been snbmitted describing the
data in these sections.
This portion of the project has not been summarized as yet.

Section Z
Completed and a report submitted,

Section IZ and T-«
The analysis of the data gathered is contiming.
A final report shall be ready by spring of 1947.
Section XI-b

The fish being retained for second generation spawning
are developing very slowly due to the abnormally cold water

Section XI-«
The data gathered on the second spawning during the spring

of 1946 of fish exposed to irradiations, awaits further analysis
and summarization,
Section XII, XIII, and OV


The statistical evaluation of the great mass of data gathered
on this portion of the project is nearing completion.


It should


Select target paragraph3