Laboratory proposed a new atomic test series > which the newly established
Atomic Energy Commission submitted to President Truman who approved the

series on 27 June 1947.

Detailed plans were drawn up with approval from

the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 16 October 1947,

Two days later, on 18

October, Joint Task Force SEVEN formed to conduct the tests with

Lieutenant General John E, Hull, United States Army, as Commander, while
Major General William z, Kepner received command of all aerial units, the

same duties he had performed during Operation crossroans , 4°
Although Task Force SEVEN became official on 18 October 1947, various
units began operations before that date.

On 8 October 1947, the United

States Air Force, not yet a month old, directed the Strategic Air Command
to organize, equip, man, and train an Air Task Group for the new series,
Operation SANDSTONE,

At the same time, the Air Materiel Command, Air

Proving Ground Command, and the Air Transport Command were to give support,
Eighth Air Force of the Strategic Air Command had the duty of procuring

personnel and organizing Task Group Teed?

On 16 October 1947, Brigadier

General Roger M, Ramey, was again called upon to command the task group.

which was to gather cloud samples and shock wave measurements with drone
aircraft, operate photographic aircraft, long-range weather reconnaissance
aircraft, cloud tracking aircraft, air-sea rescue aircraft, inter-island

air transportatfon, emergency air evacuation for Eniwetok, if needed, and
aircraft to transport radiological safety monitors, and radiological sample

materials 48
Official organization of Task Group 7.4 took place at Fort Worth,

Texas, on 9 January 198,49

Copies of the reports from Operation



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