of testing whether fractionation has occurred,
made that no fractionation will occur,"

A silent prayer is then

Fractionation occurring

naturally within the cloud and that caused by the characteristics of
the sampling device employed, constituted two types of fractionation,
Manned sampling was at some disadvantage in the first type because


the necessarily later penetrations.

One method of testing for fractionation, Rubinson added, was with
samples collected by radio-operated drone boats.

Soon after the CROSSROADS

detonations, drone boatswould move in to collect water samples, After a
period of time, other drone bnats would go into the target area to collect
more samples,

If the later samplesmatched the earlier ones, Mr. Rubinson

reported, ". . . then we could be sure that no fractionation had oceurred

between the time of the shot and time the first samples were collected,”
Under the circumstances, Rubinson wished for as many cloud samples as
could be taken,

For the airburst, he asked that cloud samples be taken

from eight different altitudes with only four altitudes during the water

Task Unit 1.5.3.

The Instrumentation and Test Requirement Unit,

Task Unit 1.5.3, was charged with taking samples from the atomic clouds
during Operation CROSSROADS.


The unit organized at Clovis Army Air Field,




Results of the water sample tests indicated that some fractionation
had taken place,






Select target paragraph3