to understandable levels,

Those readers who may be required to engage

in direct efforts associated with the sampling of clouds will gain an
understanding of the over-all complexity of the sampling mission and
will realize the importance of their specific tasks or missions.
Preparation of the chapter HARDTACK was made extremely difficult

because so many of the documents were in use at Johnston Island by those
implementing Operation DOMINIC.

It is regrettable that this work could

not have been completed and published soon after the conclusion of HARDTACK,

It could then have been used as a primary reference source in planning
DOMINIC, with due regard to the technical contents ofthe referenced
specialized documents available from the Historical Division files,
Fortunately, many of the documents used in compiling this special study
were assembled by a former memberof the Air Force Special Weapons Center

historical staff, Mr. Warren Greene. Had Mr. Greene not secured these
documents when he did, much of the story would have been lost.


designated as being physically located elsewhere, all documents referred
to are in the files of the Air Force Special Weapons Center Historical

They are available to authorized individuals wishing to study

their contents;

it is possible that copies may be loaned when requested

through proper procedures.
The informality and approved direct-—communication rules which were
in effect during the earlier nuclear tests enhances thevalue and

interest of the documentation used.

The correspondents, protagonists

and antagonists, in the rare disagreements which arose, regardless of the
symbols of rank worn on shoulders or the scientific status held, were




Select target paragraph3