the direction of the Secretary of State and the Chair-

man, Atomic Energy Commission, pursuant to NSC Ac ion

No. 1726-b; in the light of the views of the Joint

Chiefs ofSteff transmitted by the reference memorandum of December 4, 1957, and of the views of the Atomic
Energy Commission as reported orally at the meeting by
the Chairman, AEC.


Adopted the statement of policy in NSC 5725, subject
to the following:


The addition, at the end of subparagraph 3-a, of
the words ", unless accelerated by a breakthrough."


Substitution, in subparagraph 8-a, line 3, of


Revision of the first sentence of paragraph 9 to
read: "Since 1953, and especially since the pas-

tt 1966"



sage of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, it has been
possible to increase cooperation in the non-weapons

field between the United States and the United



Substitution, in subparagraph ll-b, lines 2 and 3,
of the words "has just been launched" for "1s sched-

uled to be launched late in 1957".


Revision of the second sentence of paragraph 21,
following the words "conventional plants", to

"economically competitive nuclear power
is not likely to be achieved in the United States

at as early a date."


Revision of subparagraph 28-d, following the semi-

colon, to read:
"recognizing that the achievement
of this objective requires effective implementation

of safeguards under bilateral agreements and under
the IAEA, but that national nuclear weapons programs
can be controlled only through safeguarded disarmament agreements."




Deletion of subparagraph 41-f and the footnote re-

lating thereto.

Deferral of action on paragraphs 24, 33 and 34 un-

til the next Council meeting, to permit further
study of those paragraphs by the Atomic Energy Commission and reconsideration by the NSC Planning

‘The action in b-(8) above, as approved by the President, subsequently transmitted to the Chairman, AEC,
for appropriate action by the Atomic Energy Coumission.

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