Williem K. Streenen


Saptewmber 17, 1969

I told Conard I was thinking in terms of like $2 or $3 a day while

the individual is at Ebeye.

In accordance with the discussion I had

with you before you left Honolulu I alse told Conard that we thought
the total additional cost to his program would be on the order of
$1,000 or $2,000 a year. He was agreeable to this kind of money
eoming out of his program.

As i reed the enclosed file, I note the letter from Mrs. Farrington to

EA Johnstoa which states in the second paragraph, “It is our understanding that although Miecronesian personne! have participated in the survey,

no direct costs bave been {incurred by the Trust Territory Covernment.”

I questioned Bob Conard regarding this statement and he said it was also

his understanding that the TT Covernment vas to bear no direct costs for
these patients and therefore it wae up to the AEC to do ao.

You should imaedfiately proceed to Kwajalein and work out a Memorgodum

of Understanding with the appropriate Trust Territory representative.

This would be an understanding between the AEC and the TT,
for the AKC,

whereas’s to explain why the agreement is necessary.

more clearly spell out such items as:

HOMER e Sategett RE

I will sign

The Mesorendum of Understanding should include several

It should also


What the Trust Territory will pay for - euch aa transportation
from Rongelap to Ebeye and retura to Roagelap.


Ruactly who will be eligible for transportation aad per dies
costs, The wording here will have to be very specific so there
is no aisunderstanding that we will not pay per diem for those

inéividuais who live on Ebeye in a semi-permanent situation.




If the TY has some established rates they would be good guide-


lines for us to use,




The per diem rate, or rates, will have to be clearly spelled
out. Perhaps the TT already hes an established rate which
might apply for individuals temporarily held over in Ebeye.


There should be a maximum number of days shown in the agreement

which che ARC will pay for on any one trip, or a maximm amount
of money for any one trip. However, this limitation aay be
increased on an individual basis with the specific approval of

the AZC if it ia necessary to do so to cover some extraordinary


ageerme ee


Provision will heve to be made whereby AEC turns the money over
to the Trust Territory and the Trust Territory makes psyments
to the individuals, As a follow-on, the TT would periodicslly
account to us for the expenditures they have made from our funds.

OFFICE pm one ee eee eee eee ee ee eee fcc ee




SURNAME Pm oe nde eee eee ee ee ce eee ence ef eeereece cee


DATE®I...... 8. eee nl oe en ed ee eee ee ee fcc cee wenn en ec en enn n nec hteeee nee ee eee n ene e e n

form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53)




Select target paragraph3