The locations from which the samples were collected are shown in
Figs. l and 2. One sample of thatch from the roof of a hut on the island
of Rongelap was measured. The rernainder of the samples received
were of twotypes: gummed paper and polyethylene fallout collectors. !
The gummed papers were cut from their cardboard mounts and each
folded to fit the bottom of a 100-ml lusteroid centrifuge tube. These

tubes were then placed in the gammaionization chamber and the decay
rate measured,

The samples from the polyethylene fallout collectors were centrifuged
in preweighed 100-ml lusteroid centrifuge tubes. These tubes were then
placed in the gamma ionization chamber and the decay rate measured.
The samples from the polyethylene collectors were centrifuged to
separate the liquid from the solid. The liquid volume was measured in
a graduated cylinder, acidified with hydrochloric acid, and concentrated
by evaporation to a volume of less than 75 ml. The only possible error
introduced by the procedure would be the loss of any iodine that may have
been present. The weight of the solid was determined ona semi-microgramatic


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During Operation CASTLE, fallout samples were collected from areas

immediately adjacent to and 180 miles from the Pacific Proving Grounds.
These samples were returned to this laboratory for gamma measurements
in a 4-pi high-pressure ionization chamber, A number of samples were
retained for periodic measurements of decay rate. This was done to
evaluate the range of the exponent in the equation At = Agt™*, where At
and Ag are the radioactivities at time t and at zero time respectively,
This paper presents the data and the calculated values of the exponent
for fallout samples from the first four CASTLE detonations,

Select target paragraph3